February 28, 2024 | Zubah Morlu

Bringing The Gospel To Prisons In Sierra Leone

Prison compounds in many parts of Africa are crowded with young people from diverse backgrounds. Being in prison causes harm to the physical, spiritual, and mental health of young people. Veronica Roberts and her team in Sierra Leone visited a female correction center in Free Town near the end of 2021 with gifts for over 50 female inmates. The young women there were glad to receive the gifts and to hear a message of hope in Jesus.

After months of prayer asking for God’s direction, the team completed the paperwork for a permit to start a Young Life club. The government decided to do a background check, and it took them a month to reply to Veronica. In the meantime, the team continued to pray for inmates they met when they visited the prison.

The team passed the background check and received permission to start ministry. They held  the first club in early 2022. The smiles on the faces of the inmates and the love they received was a sight to behold! Many inmates wished the team could always be around to encourage them while they served their sentences.

Through Bible studies and clubs, Veronica has had an impact on the lives of many female inmates. Leaders know more than 50 young women by their name, and 60 said yes to Jesus after the very first club. The team comes once a month to hold club and raises money to bring gifts each time. Veronica has gained the respect of many people, including the authorities of the Freetown correction center. She and her team continue to petition the Lord for courage and strength to go into the dark places with the message of Jesus.


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