
Interested in joining our team?

If you’d like to join the movement, help change a life and make an impact for eternity, we encourage you to consider the following job opportunities, both in the U.S. and in Africa.    

Divisional Sponsorship Coordinator

Under the direction of and in partnership with the divisional campaign director of Africa/Middle East, implement and oversee a comprehensive strategy to enhance the mission partner experience of sponsors and donors. This role includes providing leadership, creativity, tenacity and expertise on the path to more deeply engage our partners in the ministry.

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Sponsorship Manager

Young Life Africa/Middle East is looking for an excited, capable and passionate person to lead its vital sponsorship program that connects local staff people with Stateside donors in life-giving and faith-growing partnerships. This person will have the opportunity to bridge the gap between day-to-day ministry happening on the ground in Africa/ME and people in the U.S. with a heart for international ministry by cultivating cross-continental relationships that lead to effective ministry partnerships.

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Staff Associate – Kigali, Rwanda

Kigali is the capital city of Rwanda, roughly in the center of the country. It sprawls across numerous hills, ridges and valleys, and has a vibrant restaurant and nightlife scene. Kigali has a long history of Young Life and it continues to grow. Come serve alongside the current expat area director to reach kids attending international schools in this exciting Rwandan city.

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Area Director of Int’l Schools-
Kigali, Rwanda

Kigali is the capital city of Rwanda, roughly in the center of the country. It sprawls across numerous hills, ridges and valleys, and has a vibrant restaurant and nightlife scene. Kigali has a long history of Young Life and it continues to grow. Come serve as the area director to reach kids attending international schools in this exciting Rwandan city.

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Teacher Staff – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

​Dar es Salaam is the capital of Tanzania and also the heart of divisional Young Life in Africa and the Middle East.  The divisional staff and many of the indigenous staff and leaders live in Dar es Salaam and are looking for an individual to join their team at a partnering international school called Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) in a teacher staff position.

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