Young Life Cameroon

The young people of Cameroon are being reached.

Young Life Cameroon continues with amazing growth in 2024! We knew over 6,639 kids by name, with 1,565 kids coming to club and 855 attending discipleship groups each week in 2024.

In 2024, leaders knew 6,648 teens by their names in Cameroon.


  • Population: 28,487,000
  • Main languages: French, English
  • Number of ministries: 8

Cameroon summary

Cameroon resulted from a merger between French and British Cameroon in the early 1960s. It has enjoyed stability over the years. It is 64% Christian, 25% Muslim, and the rest is a traditional African religion. Young Life in Cameroon started with Patrick Gaughan, a volunteer on a medical trip to Cameroon who was passionate about teenagers getting to hear, know, and follow Jesus. He also used the opportunity of this trip to introduce Young Life. During this time, he prayed for the teenagers and that God would lead him to someone he could talk about Young Life with locally.

That someone was Aneng Donald. Patrick and Aneng began praying together and envisioning how to reach teenagers. Without any official Young Life training, Aneng began to recruit leaders and share with them the need to reach out to teenagers and introduce the gospel. Meanwhile, Patrick was able to contact James Davis of Liberia. They started meeting via Zoom and later brought in Aneng to learn more about Young Life. On September 7, 2018, Young Life officially began and extended to Green Hills High School, Damas, CBEG School, and other neighborhoods in the northwest region.

In 2022, two members of the Cameroon team attended Young Life Hands-On-Training (HOT) in Liberia. The experience was fruitful, as Cameroon now has 110 active volunteer leaders and eight vibrant clubs.

Our impact

2020 2021 2022 2023 Stats as of December 31, 2024
Kids Known by Name 356 828 5,673 5,367 6,648
Avg. Kids at Clubs 731 626 555 769 1,770
Avg. Kids in Campaigners 80 154 145 279 969
Number of Ministries 4 6 5 5 11
National Staff
Kids to Camp 102
Volunteers 27  33 106

Our ministries

Young Life in Cameroon is growing with 8 ministries and 110 volunteer leaders.

Current ministry.

Current ministry.

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