February 23, 2021 |

Light of the World

Young Life ministry in Zimbabwe is seeing prayers being answered in miraculous ways!

In Marondera, Zimbabwe, the Lord has been active and working in the lives of so many. This city has been on the prayer list for cities in Zimbabwe that do not yet have Young Life ministry. Recently, staff and leaders attended a training there. Many potential leaders expressed their excitement to have ministry opportunities in their city! The training went well and new leaders have begun contact work. Contact work is the act of Young Life leaders going into the world of kids with the intention of building meaningful relationships. During COVID, contact work has required much more time on the phone because in-person gatherings are still limited. Being able to charge phones is a common hurdle that many Young Life leaders face.

Regional Director Sharon Intauno shared about this challenge and how God provided in Zimbabwe: “Just before the holidays, our team partnered with Scouts on a solar panel project. We facilitated training on solar use for Young Life leaders, teachers and parents at Young Life clubs. To top it off, solar panel systems were installed by the Scouts team in three locations. Young Life leaders and teachers in Epworth—one of the communities where the solar panel system was installed—will be able to stay in contact with other leaders and kids via phone because they can now charge their phones closer to their homes for free. For us, this was a big blessing. It is amazing how one solar-powered light can bring joy to so many people, just like how the Light of the World could light up the dark places in our and everyone’s hearts and bring so much joy.

We are so thankful for the ways in which the Lord has worked and has shown His faithfulness in Zimbabwe. Join us in praying for Young Life ministry in the city of Marondera and the community of Epworth, that it would flourish and that more kids would come to know Jesus as their Savior!


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