Patson Mpofu – Zimbabwe

Area Director

Patson is a dedicated, genuine lover of God who longs for kids in Zimbabwe to know Jesus. He is also one of the pioneers of Young Life in Zimbabwe. In the early 2000s, Patson received a vision from the Lord calling him to youth ministry in the area of Matopo, Zimbabwe. There, he saw a revival of the country’s youth, and was instantly convicted and inspired by the Holy Spirit. He was later invited to a Young Life training at Patson’s church in Zimbabwe. Patson was asked to train for Young Life staff in 2006, and there the Lord confirmed his calling of youth ministry. He returned to Matopo and began Young Life there, hosting their first camp in 2007. Here, 400 kids heard the gospel for the first time. Soon after, much political violence and economic instability infiltrated Zimbabwe and many young people fled, but Patson has remained faithful to his ministry there.

In 2008, Patson’s life was literally in danger, as political leaders felt threatened by the success of Young Life, and threatened to burn all Young Life leaders alive. Yet the Lord protected His people, and Patson and his leaders remained unharmed. Now, he serves as an area director for Young Life in Matopo, Zimbabwe. He is also a teacher at a primary school, and lives in a schoolhouse with dozens of orphans and other marginalized youth. His wife Sindie leads women’s ministry in their area. We are so thankful for Patson’s faithful commitment to his calling, and for the Lord’s continued provision in his ministry.

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