DRC Soccer Camp
Sam lives in Essence with his mother and two sisters. Their father is in jail for twenty years after abusing his daughters. Since then, life became difficult for Sam and his family because his mother was jobless. The family struggled to put food on the table, pay rent and provide school fees. Feeling the pressure as the only man in the house, Sam resorted to stealing in the markets. For a while, he was providing enough to feed the family and pay school fees. He continued down this path until he met Justin, a Young Life leader who convinced him to go to camp. At camp, Sam gave his life to Christ. Sam’s life will be forever changed. Join us in praying for God to open doors for Sam to provide for his family and share the love of Christ with them.
Alisha is a young girl whose father and mother are divorced due to their differing religions. She was first raised by her father who is a Muslim. When Alisha was just ten years old, her father promised one of his friends that she would marry him. This caused serious complications in the family and her mother secretly took her away from the house. However, her mother was jobless, therefore Alisha could no longer attend school and finding food was difficult. Her father on the other hand was well off yet refused to help Alisha and her mother because they are Christians. Now that Alisha is eighteen years old, his father’s friend has claimed her as his wife. Her mother was no longer able to protect her by herself, so she called Bridget, a Young Life leader to take Alisha away. Bridget took Alisha to camp and she learned so much more about Jesus. However, she was so afraid to confess her faith because of her father. After praying for her at camp, she said yes to Jesus. Since then, her leaders have been taking her to church. We are so thankful for Jesus’ relentless pursuit of Alisha and we continue to pray for her protection!
292 kids gave their lives to Christ at this camp! It is amazing to watch the Lord transform lives in DRC – to give kids community and hope through Young Life.
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