Discipleship Camp in Ethiopia
Discipleship camp provides kids who already know Christ a key opportunity to step away from regular rhythms of life and to go deeper in their relationships with God. This June, 243 campers, including 15 teen moms and 16 accompanying babies, gathered to sing and dance together, hear club talks, and receive encouragement to continue pursuing Jesus with all their hearts, minds, and souls. One of these campers was Hanna.
Before coming to Christ, Hanna was a stage actress and dancer, but was unhappy and often felt darkness. In the midst of this, her leader, Liya, befriended and encouraged her to come to Young Life. Hanna came to Young Life camp that year, and during a club talk she fell unconscious. A group of leaders prayed over her and she was freed from a demonic spirit.
As Hanna returned home, Liya advised her to attend church, pursue fellowship with other believers and continue to grow spiritually. Hanna shared, “I began to learn the Lord better as I listened to this counsel and accepted. I have learned much. I thank God for helping me in all of this. And I thank my leader, Hannah.” Through this discipleship camp, Hanna and many other students were able to experience Christian community, see darkness pushed out by light and see God working within their lives and the lives of their leaders and friends. The Christian life was never meant to be walked alone, and we are thankful for camps like this that allows students and leaders to link arms and be mutually encouraged in their faiths.
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