
Outreach Camp

July 23-25, 2017

Another amazing Young Life camp in Ethiopia has come and gone, and what a privilege it is to say that! Despite political unrest, God has granted us the opportunity to continue putting on Young Life camps, and hundreds of kids are hearing the gospel. Over 350 kids were welcomed to this camp with cheers and celebration. Eighty-three of these campers came from Muslim backgrounds, and 10 had physical disabilities. One of these campers was Mamo, who has lived a life of rebellion and fear. Mamo is constantly arrested because of theft, gambling and street fighting. Simultaneously, Mamo has also been involved with Young Life since 2015, and was finally able to attend camp this summer. Over the course of these three days, he was incredibly challenged to think about who Jesus is and what His love meant for him. He was amazed by the gospel message and the transformations he saw around him. He grew serious and sober, and decided to follow Christ. He committed to begin attending Bible study with his Young Life leader so that he can grow in his faith. Sixty-five other kids joined Mamo in making this life-changing decision, and dedicated their lives to Christ.

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