Montserrado Outreach Camp
February 23-25, 2018
This February, 351 kids gathered in Montserrado Camp, which is located in the northwestern portion of Liberia.
As kids arrived from over two hours away, they were greeted with dancing, laughter, and the welcome band singing, “This is the place you were made to be.” As the celebration continued on into the night, lives were touched and eyes were opened as 239 kids committed their lives to Christ, including 11 Muslims. Here are two of these stories:
Sia is a 19-year-old Muslim girl who is been involved with Young Life in her area. She was only allowed to come to club during school time, because her parents disapproved of Young Life and its Christian affiliation. However, Sia was persistent in talking with her parents, and they allowed her to come to camp. At Montserrado, Sia accepted Christ and returned home with a new heart.
Gardiah, similar to Sia, lives in a Muslim household. At camp, however, Christ met him in a life-altering way. According to Gardiah, the picture of the cross brought sorrow in his heart. Gardiah “saw freedom in Jesus and decided to walk with Him”.
Life back at home will surely not be easy for Gardiah, Sia, and the many others who came to know Christ. Yet, we believe that God is with these brothers and sisters and will continue to guide them through trials and hardships. Let’s continue to pray for more lost kids to know Jesus, and for those who accepted the Lord to grow deeper in relationship with Christ all of their days.
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