A New Walk With Jesus

April 2023

Meet Jean, a 14-year-old teenager from Mali. Jean attends the Youdiou club in his village. Youdiou is a rural area, and residents of that village hold firmly to Islamic traditions and beliefs. Although his parents denied permission for Jean to go to Young Life multiple times, Jean’s leader, Emmanuel, was able to get Jean’s parents on board with him attending Young Life camp in Bankass, Mali. On the way to camp, Jean was extremely nervous about this new adventure. God gave him with peace, and Jean was able to be present and participate in all the fun activities. After hearing the good news about how God created both us and the earth, Jean saw nature around him through a whole new lens. He understood God’s greatness and began his walk with Jesus. Jean came home eager to share what he had learned at camp with his parents. Join us in praying for Jean’s parents to see the transformation in their son’s heart and are moved by it!

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