Koro Camp in Mali

At Koro camp, 110 students played crazy games, connected with their peers, ate delicious food and most importantly, heard the gospel message of Jesus Christ. We want to share two stories with you of incredible transformation to show just how much can change in three days at a Young Life camp.

Joseph is 16 years old. He is currently in his third year of high school. He came to camp because his friend was persistent and begged him to come. After a few months, he finally agreed. Joseph grew up in a larger home with two sisters and three other brothers. Life at home was decent, but he often felt as though he was lost in the crowd of his siblings. His parents raised them in a Christian home, but Joseph explained that he did not really understand that Christianity was not a religion, but a relationship. He was caught up in the idea that life with Jesus is about doing your best, until he went to Young Life camp. Joseph heard the word of God preached in a way he has never experienced. He said he finally understood that “the birth of Jesus was miraculous and without intervention of man.” Joseph said yes to a relationship with Jesus forever!

Amina is 15 years old. She is in 10th grade at a public school near her home. Amina came to camp as a great surprise to her leader because she comes from a Muslim family.

She is one of eight siblings that have all committed to their Muslim faith. She was invited to club by one of her friends. She attended and wanted more of the Young Life community. She found herself sneaking off to club weekly without her parents knowing. Finally, she convinced her parents to allow her to go to camp. She expressed, “I am joyful, because this camp in extraordinary, it is thanks to this camp that I understood that Jesus is Savior and that it is miraculous, and I also accept to walk with Jesus.”

Praise God for His incredible transformations and for using Young Life to change lives in Mali forever. We are praising Him for the ninety-four new believers through this camp alone. Join us in praying for them as they continue to grow in their new faith.

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