
Ziguinchor Sport Camp

This April, 135 kids came together in southwest Senegal to have fun, share conversation and listen to messages about Jesus. It was a fantastic couple of days full of singing, dancing and freedom from stress as kids were able to simply be kids while at camp. For most of these kids, that meant playing lots of soccer. One of the 135 kids, Souleymane loved Young Life camp not simply because of the family-style meals or the amount of soccer he played. He said, “I have had the chance to know Jesus better through Young Life,” and that is what made the biggest impact on him.

“I have had a chance to know Jesus better through Young Life”
– Souleymane, Young Life camper

Just like Souleymane, 84 other kids met Jesus Christ for the first time at camp. Also, of the 18 Muslims that were at camp, 13 gave their lives to Jesus as well. Praise the Lord for the ways He continues to use Young Life to spread the Gospel to kids in Senegal.

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