Outreach Camp
For many kids, Young Life camp is a wonderful place where they encounter God in a radical way. In Zwartkloof, South Africa, 195 kids gathered for a weekend at camp. By the end of the three days, an stunning 161 kids decided to commit their lives to Christ, including 4 of the 5 Muslims present. Here is one story from the camp:
“Young Life camp was interesting. It was strengthening and comforting to me in times of need. At camp I experienced and learned a lot of things (such as) to have courage. Even my leader was very patient and kind. I can’t forget the fun that I had each day at camp. Also being treated like royalty. The camp was lovely and I enjoyed it very much. I hope we will meet again in the next camp. I made friends and I’m hoping for the best.”
Praise God that such a high majority of campers accepted Christ at this outreach camp. God is working mightily in Africa, using ministries like Young Life to bring all nations, tribes, and tongues into His kingdom!
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