Tanzania Outreach Camp

June 7-10, 2017

Tree hundred and sixty kids attended this Young Life camp in Dar Es Salaam early this June. This included 76 kids from Muslim backgrounds, two kids with disabilities, seven orphans and six teen moms. They were led by 33 faithful leaders and served by 38 work-crew members, who all tirelessly worked to show them the love of Christ in everything they did. Leah is one of 125 girls who came to camp, and is 17-years-old. Two years ago, Leah became pregnant and confided only in her father because of their close relationship. While Leah’s dad felt angry and betrayed, he ended up paying for an abortion so she could stay in school. Eventually, Leah’s guilt became overwhelming, and she came clean to her mother about her aborted pregnancy and her father’s help. Her mother was deeply hurt by this, and left the family soon after.

But one day she met Esther, a Young Life leader in her community. That was the day Leah found hope.

This made Leah’s father resent her even more, and one day came home after drinking too much and kicked her out of the house. Now, Leah lives with her grandmother and is wrecked with guilt because of her broken family and aborted child. She would even go so far as to exclaim “I deserve to die” in moments of utter despair. But one day she met Esther, a Young Life leader in her community. That was the day Leah found hope. They developed a friendship and Esther invited her to come to camp. At camp, Leah and Esther were having their “one-on-one” session, where leaders and campers get to talk individually and reflect on the camp together. Here, Leah turned to Esther and said “I trust you,” before sharing her whole story – the brokenness, the pain, the shame – with Esther. After hearing the whole story of the cross, of Jesus’ life and death and resurrection, and His great love for us, Leah boldly stood and agreed to give Jesus her life. She was one of 192 kids who gave their lives to Christ at this camp. One of the 192 kids who experienced hope, redemption and love because of Young Life, but really because of Jesus. Pray for these believers as they learn how to walk daily with Jesus and trust Him more in the midst of pain, brokenness and shame.

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