Tanzania Outreach Camp
June 11-13, 2017
Amongst a group of almost 350 kids, one young man stood to the side. While these kids – a group of 61 Muslims, three kids with disabilities, six orphans and six teen moms – played games and sang songs together, Elimu kept to himself. Elimu has spent his entire life keeping to himself. Two weeks after he was born, his mother abandoned him on his father’s doorstep. He was raised by his father and his stepmother, and has harbored a deep hatred towards his mother. Because of his abandonment, Elimu spent most of his life feeling unworthy and unlovable, causing him to isolate himself from friends and family. This isolation fostered anger and pride, and Elimu was even expelled from school. But six months ago, everything changed for Elimu.
“I would like to follow Jesus, being Lord and Savior of my life. I have lived so lonely and desperate for life.”
– Elimu, camper
He met his Young Life leader Isaac, who was able to befriend him. Isaac convinced Elimu to attend Young Life camp, and it was here that Elimu began to open up to others. His hardened exterior began to soften, and the evening before the “cross talk,” Elimu called Isaac and poured his heart out. “I would like to follow Jesus, being Lord and Savior of my life. I have lived so lonely and desperate for life.” Issac asked Elimu if he could forgive his mother, and Elimu agreed. Together, they prayed, and Elimu accepted Jesus into his heart. It was an amazing picture of transformation, hope and redemption, as the boy who lived his life feeling unlovable and alone ran straight into the loving arms of the Father. And he was not alone – 227 kids gave their lives to Christ at this camp!

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