
Jinja High School Camp 2, Uganda

When kids get a glimpse of God’s mercy and great love, they can’t help but be changed by it. Young Life is an incredible place for teenagers, Muslims, orphans, and all who are thirsty to come taste and see the Lord’s goodness. This May, 517 kids had the opportunity to experience Young Life camp, 89 of which were Muslim, and 109 orphans. Here is a story from the camp, told by a Young Life Uganda staff member, Ernest Arinaitwe:

“Dembe describes her life before joining Young Life as a wasted life because she used to gossip a lot and used to fuel fights among her peers. She would occasionally go to church for prayers, only because her parents used to force her to do so.

“There are evil things that I used to do like gossip, quarrelling and night clubbing, despite being born and raised in a very staunch Christian family. All this felt good until I attended camp and heard the message. I have realized that all the partying was all in vain.” Nabwire said.

After joining Young Life and attending clubs, and then the Jinja camp, Dembe recounts how her life experienced a turn around. “It was as though fresh water had been poured on my burning heart.” She notes that she now sees a great change in her life and the love that the Young Life leaders extended to her has brought positive impact in her life. ‘I feel so new inside, and without guilt as it was before.’

Dembe received Jesus as her savior in camp. Her prayer is that she will remain strong and grow in the Lord. And also that her friends’ parents that initially thought of her as naughty and messy, shall begin to accept her. “I will be glad if the Lord connects me to prayer partners that will hold me on their knees.”

After a fantastic 3 days of fellowship and fun, 157 kids alongside Dembe decided to commit their lives, including 43 Muslims. Please pray for Dembe and these others kids, that God would surround them with others to help them in their new Christian lives despite the difficulties and obstacles.

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