
Cote d’Ivoire Outreach Camp

August 13-15

Aminata is one of 91 female campers who attended this Young Life camp in the south-eastern city of Anyama. She admits that what really drew her to camp were the “games and other funny things which could be found there.” But her heart changed as she listened to club talks and shared in cabin times. “The first message and the different testimonies I heard from leaders and other campers…changed my mind.” She was instantly captured by the life-giving news of the gospel, but hesitant to give her life to Christ. “Would Jesus accept somebody like me?” Aminata wondered. She opened up to her leader, feeling saddened that Jesus might judge her for past mistakes. But her leader reminded her what the speaker had taught: that Jesus had sacrificed himself on the cross for her sins, and now nothing could separate her from His love. “I decided during quiet time to talk to Him and give Him my life…After this I felt like some heavy thing fell off of me and I had the best night.” 

This was Brahima’s first time at Young Life camp. He shares this about his experience: “I can’t explain my joy to have been at this camp…I saw Jesus through the kindness of the leaders taking care of the campers and the message opened my eyes to the loving sacrifice of Jesus and why I should give him my life…I decided to give my life to Jesus and asked him to forgive me and help me. Thanks to Young Life and to my leader for inviting me to this camp. I will never forget it. I would also like you to pray for me and my family because I am not good with my family. And as I decide to follow Jesus I want to be far from temptation, and I want my whole family to give their lives to Jesus.” 

Join us in praying for Aminata, Brahima, his family and all 63 kids who began their new lives with Christ at this camp! 

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