Ghana Soccer Outreach Camp
August 17, 2019
106 kids gathered together in Ghana for a day packed full of playing soccer and hearing the Word of God. Their leaders were amazed at how beautiful the day was! 13 kids went home at the end of the day having accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Julie was one of the girls that attended soccer camp. She had recently moved to the village that Young Life is in and met her leader. Since then she had been regularly going to club. However, at the camp Say So, Julie stood up and shared, “I was a Christian until I had a bad relationship with a boy. Since then I stopped going to church and I didn’t want anything to do with Christ. Since I came to camp, I have begun to experience a new way of loving Christ. I rededicate my life to Christ and promise to remain in Him forever’’.
We are so thankful for the leaders that give their all to befriending kids in their villages and cities. Please pray with us that the Father would continue to come and restore each and every heart in Ghana. We are so expectant for Him to continue to move in this way!
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