April 13, 2021 |

The Harvest is Plentiful in Zambia

Zambia recently held two separate overnight trainings for new leaders. In the city of Ndola, 47 potential new leaders attended and in the city of Lusaka, 20 new leaders attended. This is the largest new leaders training that Zambia has ever held

The trainings were full of God’s presence. New leaders were taught about Young Life as a whole: camp, club, campaigners, contact work and more. One unique thing about these trainings is that leaders went out in teams and practiced doing contact work! They met many kids and made plans to see them again soon. Additionally, the leaders in training shared in rich fellowship, took communion together and had fun at the lodges. One leader left and exclaimed, “I had a lot of questions and I felt like all of them were answered at the training. I used to feel like there was no way I could do Young Life well, but now I’m clear on how to go and do it.”

While recalling the recent trainings, Area Director Banji Simasiku said “These trainings are opening new doors. They are giving us the potential for big growth and togetherness.” She is excited and believes that 2021 will be a year of big harvest for Zambia. Just like Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest…” Banji, along with her team and the Malawi/Zambia regional team, are praying earnestly for the Lord of the harvest to raise up new leaders from this leaders training in Zambia. They are also praying that the harvest would indeed be plentiful!

Another reason to believe that 2021 will be a year of harvest in Zambia is that recently some incredible new connections were made in a region that does not yet have Young Life ministry. Banji and local Young Life leaders, as well as Regional Team members, have been praying for ministry to begin in the North-Western province of Zambia. Because of these new connections, they are hoping for ministry to start in the North-Western province within the next few months! Praise the Lord! 

Join us in praying for Zambia. Specifically, pray that the potential leaders who attended the training would stick and be fruitful. Pray that the wind that has been blowing would not die out in vain. Pray that the Lord would continue to open doors and that the team would have discernment for which doors to go through. Mostly, pray that kids in Zambia would come home to the Father, finding healing and acceptance in Jesus. 



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