Young Life Developing Global Leaders

This is the award winning story of Peter, a young man from Nairobi, Kenya, whose life was transformed through the Young Life Global Leadership program. The award-winning filmmakers at Missionary Films have produced yet another poignant story of change and hope.

Growing up in a poor family, Peter had to give up on his dreams to go to college so that his brother could go to high school. Peter also became involved with the wrong crowd at school. However, all this changed when he met Martin who introduced him to Young Life. Peter went for camp, where he decided to dedicate his life to Jesus, and he then began the discipleship program.

Thanks to Young Life, Peter has been able to get a scholarship, and he is now studying mechanical engineering. He feels like he will be able to accomplish his dream of getting a good job, but he also plans to keep volunteering with Young Life.

Peter maintains that if you change one person, that person will then go on to change another person, and so on. With the help of programs like Young Life, Peter predicts a future Kenya that will be peaceful, a Kenya that will have leaders that yearn for change and development. By changing one life, you can change a nation.

Peter, along with his brother, sister and mother, live in a slum called Soweto. In high school Peter was involved with the wrong crowd. “One day I had an opportunity to meet a Young Life leader. … I attended clubs and there I started feeling that I am loved by God and His people.” Peter eventually gave his life to Jesus at camp and was thrilled when his family later joined him at church. Peter had to forgo his college dreams in order to allow his brother to go to high school, so he is thankful for the opportunity he has been given to fulfill his dream to become a mechanical engineer.

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