
Young Life Burundi

The young people of Burundi are being reached.

Burundi is a country in East Central Africa, that shares borders with Rwanda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has an estimated population of over 13 million people, with over half under the age of 25. Burundi is on a path of recovery from the genocide in 1996 and the civil war in 2018 that left many people in poverty. Young Life in Burundi began in 2018 with one leader and has now grown to a ministry with 276 leaders as of January 2024.


In 2023, leaders knew 17,256 teens by name in Burundi.


  • Population: 13,238,559
  • Main languages: French, English, Kirundi
  • Number of ministries: 21

Burundi summary

Burundi is an east-central country in Africa, one of the few countries whose borders were not determined by colonial rulers. Its neighbors are Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and south, and Democratic Republic of Congo to the west. With more than 12 million people living in Burundi, it is estimated that more than 70% of the population lives in poverty. 64% of the population is under 25. The vast majority of Burundians are Hutu, traditionally farming people. However, power rests with the Tutsi minority, who has historically controlled the army and most of the economy. Since Burundi gained its independence from Belgium in 1962, ethnic conflict between these groups has plagued this country. Genocides occurred in both 1972 and 1993, and the country is still rebuilding from such violence and ethnic strife. The principal languages are Kirundi and French. Swahili is also spoken.

With the first Burundi leaders identified and trained in 2013 as the Holy Spirit led, Young Life in Burundi officially began in 2018. In that year, 82 kids and leaders attended their very first camp! The work has now grown to a ministry with 276 leaders as of January 2024. Burundi is a difficult place to do ministry, yet we are confident that the Lord will provide, for it is a place that yearns to know the good news of Christ.

Our impact

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023  Growth (2023)
Kids Known by Name 2,409 589 6,950 17,256 148%
Avg. Kids at Clubs 895 1,041 272 618 1,313 112%
Avg. Kids in Campaigners 393 338 81 208 416 100%
Number of Ministries 13 21 10 16 21 31%
National Staff 1 1 1 2 2 0%
DGL 3 3 3 4 n/a n/a
Kids & Leaders to Camp 0 0 0 337 428 27%

Our ministries

Burundi has 183 volunteer leaders and 21 ministries! Burundi is a difficult place to do ministry, yet we are confident that the Lord will provide, for it is a place that yearns to know the good news of Christ.

Young Life leaders knew over 17,000 kids by name in Burundi. About 1,300 kids are meeting weekly at club and just over 400 attend weekly discipleship groups.

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