December 6, 2018 | Mphatso Stiles

Everyday love changing everyday lives: A Tribute

Today marks 5 years since you went to be with the Lord. We miss you guys dearly. We still have not found answers to why you had to leave so early. The pain never really goes away. People told us we would learn to cope but really we have learned to hope. We never have stopped loving you guys. On behalf of the Young Life Malawi team, Thank You for being the shoulders on which we stand and for showing us how to make our time on earth count for eternity! Wanangwa had a dream before he died, God let down a rope from heaven and asked him to grab it. He did, together with Sarah and Sayo. God asked them to grab the rope with a promise that He would heal the land. Recently, in a conversation with Tommy Myette, a friend and partner in the mission of YLA, he pointed out that there is significance to the rope. I had never thought about it so I looked it up…. The word is tikvah. It is also the word for “hope”!!!

In Hebrew, the second meaning of the word tikvah is to hope; “to look for;” “to wait with patience.” The primary meaning is more concrete: Tikvah is a cord: a string or rope made of several strands twisted together for strength.

Hope, in Hebrew, is a rope.  How fitting! “Hope will heal the land”!

Through everything we have been through the one word that stands out is HOPE. Knowing GOD is enough, Remembering what he has done and Holding on to his promises…these three truths knitted together in a strong cord of three strands! It is this rope, this hope that continues to lift our eyes off the ‘problem’ and on to God. It is this hope that drives our passion for #EveryKid! It is this hope in Jesus that we believe will heal our nation.

So today as we Celebrate the Lives of Wanangwa, Lusayo and Sarah, though it will always be hard, I am grateful for the gift that they were to us and the treasures that we have found through their life and death. I give glory to God for the hope that we have in Him regardless of our circumstances and I am challenged to use my time on earth to share the hope of Jesus with others.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


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