James Fred* – Liberia
Area Director
After his parents’ divorce when he was two years old, James was raised by his father and stepmother. Unfortunately, his stepmother was not a nurturing woman. As a child, James had to work to pay his school fees because his father was unemployed. He gave his life to Christ while he was in prison at the age of 15 and a woman gave him a Bible so he could read Psalm 23. Once he was released, he was baptized in a new life with Jesus. James was introduced to Young Life in 2009 and since then, he has been an active participant in four different Young Life camps and took several kids to the first central Liberia Young Life camp. James wanted to be devoted to full-time ministry; so, he studied education and theology. He volunteered, diligently introducing kids to Christ and helping them grow in their faith. James was selected to join the Developing Global Leaders program in 2012 and as the team leader in northern Liberia he became more enthusiastic for Christ and kids. Today, James has an outstanding leadership team that is leading kids to Jesus. James graduated from the DGL program in May of 2019 and he is now an area director in Nimba County, Liberia.
*Partial sponsorship opportunity available

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