Jerome Byamungu – DRC
Regional Director
Jerome was born into a polygamous family whose father was so aged that he asked the older children to take care of Jerome and his younger sister, Julienne. Their big brothers did just the opposite– they abandoned Jerome and Julienne and left them to fend for themselves. Jerome struggled to support himself and his younger sister, and barely made it through high school doing so. He didn’t have enough money to attend college, so he started working in car mechanics. In 2009, he attended Young Life camp, heard about Jesus’ love for him and accepted Him. As Jerome grew more in his faith, he was selected for a Developing Global Leaders scholarship, a Young Life program for selected students to gain a university education while they learn from a mentor and serve as a volunteer leader in a local Young Life Club. This opened up unimaginable possibilities for his future. He now works as an Area Director in the Kadutu area.

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