Pascal Boidy* – Cote d’Ivoire
Regional Director
- Email: pboidy@younglife.org
- Phone: +2250758339430
Pascal is a patient and thoughtful man who works hard in all he does. He is a consistent and loyal friend who makes time for everyone to feel appreciated and loved. Pascal met the Lord when he was in primary school through a simple participation in Christmas activities. All his friends were Christians, and Pascal decided to join them as they prepared for their church’s Christmas service. As he participated in the service, Pascal felt instantly moved by the words he was hearing, and committed his life to Christ right then and there.
In September of 2009, Pascal went on vacation in Mali and “accidentally” stumbled upon a Young Life club (we now know that accident was clearly the Lord’s divine intervention). Here, he saw kids laughing, joking and playing games, but most importantly they were also learning the gospel. Pascal wanted to bring this same energy and excitement into his own country, and then got involved with Young Life in Cote d’Ivoire. Wasting no time, Pascal began doing contact work in his community – getting to know kids and teachers and connecting with the schools. In 2011, he started his first club, and led two Young Life clubs in Cote d’Ivoire, including one orphanage club. Now he serves as associate regional director. He also manages the Young Life national leadership program. As a teacher himself, Pascal is passionate about teaching kids the most important lesson of all: the truth and life of Jesus Christ.
*Sponsor opportunity available.

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