Sahr Kamasie* – Sierra Leone
Regional Operations Coordinator I
Sahr became a Christian 20 years ago when a pastor invited him to a crusade. Ever since then, he has lived his life with joy and hope. Sahr became a high school teacher, and while he was there, Young Life started at the school. In 2008, he started as a volunteer leader while still teaching. Sahr was part of the original 6 leaders who helped establish Young Life in Sierra Leone for the first time. As Young Life grew in Sierra Leone, he began leading several different clubs and visited these high schools to build relationships with the students. Eventually, Sahr became an area director for Waterloo. In 2014, Sahr lost his wife to Ebola. At her memorial service, nearly all of his Young Life family was there and, near the end of the service, they prayed over him and his two children. Sahr remarks, “it gave me hope and strength.” Now, Young Life is like a family to Sahr. Today Sahr continues as the regional operation coordinator for Young Life Sierra Leone.
*Sponsorship opportunity available

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