Tiowa Diarra – Mali
Director of Spiritual Formation
Tiowa grew up in a predominantly Muslim community, and his parents worshipped ancestors. When he was 14 he met a Baptist missionary, who shared the gospel with him. For the first time, Tiowa realized his dire need for the Lord, so they prayed together and he received Jesus. After a few months, Tiowa was baptized in the Niger River. Through his faithful example and God’s grace, Tiowa’s mother and father came to know the Lord. Now, thousands of kids are coming to know the Lord through Tiowa’s steadfast example of Christ-like love and joy. He currently serves as the director of spiritual formation. Most of these areas are still heavily Muslim-populated, but every day more and more kids are coming to know the truth of the Jesus through Young Life. We praise God for His amazing work in the life of Tiowa and how He continues to use him to further His Kingdom.

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