Liberia Capernaum Camp

In Liberia’s capital city of Monrovia, young people who have disabilities are often overlooked and ignored. Kids with hearing disabilities are abandoned or neglected by parents and society at large, and when noticed are treated quite poorly. Young Life leaders through prayers and friendships decided to break this social barrier, choosing to hang out where these kids would be. They continue to be overwhelmed by the love experienced from their leaders – many kids are shocked that their leaders would choose to spend three days with them at camp. A total of 80 deaf kids attended this camp in early April, where they played games, saw skits and heard the gospel message proclaimed in a way they could actually understand.

One of these kids was Julian, a 15-year-old boy who attends a deaf school and was often getting in trouble for disrespecting his parents and teachers. He shared with his leader Simon that he’d actually been suspended from school multiple times because of fighting his friends on campus. Simon encouraged Julian to continue to attend Young Life clubs and invited him to camp. At camp, Julian expressed that he was so touched by the love shown to him and his friends regardless of their poor behavior. He told Simon because of his time at camp, he now understands who Jesus is and what kind of relationship he wants with us. “The quiet time gave me a reason to give my life to Christ, because when I was reflecting on how Jesus died for us and the pains he went through to set us free, I realized that living a life without Jesus is meaningless,” Julian shared.

Many kids said similar things, opening up that they had heard of Jesus but were never told the deep truth about who He really us. Join us in praying for the 65 kids who gave their lives to Christ at this camp, that they would continue to grow in their faith and share the love they experienced at camp! And we continue to pray that leaders who love kids in difficult situations will be filled with courage to push kids to grow deeper in their faith and will too be filled with the love of Christ.

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