Chimoio Camp

August 27-28, 2016

At the end of August, 93 kids in Mozambique got to go to the “best week of their life” in Chimoio. Here we saw over half of the camp say yes to Christ. This is one of their stories:
Peter was orphaned at a young age and raised by his grandfather. Peter was hesitant to attend Young Life in the beginning, but the persistence and kindness of Peter’s leader eventually motivated him to attend Young Life. Peter’s leader slowly started giving Peter more responsibilities at club, which gave Peter a sense of belonging.

Although Peter has been involved with Young Life for a couple years now, camp was particularly special for him. Peter encountered the Lord in impactful ways and in his words, “I need to grow to pass on God’s wisdom and help the kids in my area, we are so, so vulnerable and we do not have any hope, but in Christ we have eternal life.”

Peter leaves camp empowered to go and help other kids in his area, carrying the truth of the gospel and the relentless pursuit of God’s love for the children of Mozambique.

During this camping season there was an opportunity for kids who are already following Christ to come and grow together at Young Life camp in Beira. It was a fruitful time of prayer and community. Here is a story about one of the people there who was impacted by the time together:

Jose is a young leader in Beira who loves large, is active in ministry and always participates. This past Campaigners camp has encouraged him to dive even deeper than before. He was observed letting every word soak in, taking notes and praying fervently to be filled with the Spirit as he pursues lost kids. Praise God for leaders like Jose.

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