Women Campaign
During this women campaign we gathered 158 female leaders and kids, we had good times where we went back to the basics of Young Life, we reminded ourselves values of female member of Young Life, we talked about our challenges as ladies and how to overcome them and finally we shared experiences which helped us to learn from one another and correct our mistakes and also work on a good path as servants of God, we had good times with our speaker Mary as she taught us how stand for ourselves and raise our voices in the society as Young Life ladies with Christian values.
In this camp we had a powerful testimony from Marie, who shared about how she became a Christian during a Young Life talent show and how it was a problem in her family because it was a Muslim family and yet she was an adopted kid. In brief, she struggled with this but later by the grace of God the family became Christian too. This was so inspiring to all the other ladies to keep their faith and grow spiritually and raise their voices regardless of who they are.
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