Jean Baptiste Outreach Camp
Kids experience deep joy and love and hear the gospel presented in a powerful way at Young Life camp. It’s a place where they come, get to know Jesus as their friend and leave with changed hearts. This September, 157 kids and leaders (including 16 Muslim kids) came to Centre Jean Baptiste de Thies, Senegal for outreach camp. By the end of the three days, 89 kids had made a commitment for Jesus, including 7 Muslim campers.
Here are two of their testimonies:
“I am very happy because of the extraordinary welcome we have been given. I spent all my time seeking happiness by turning my back to Christ, but I did not know that there was time for happiness with him. I say thank you to the Lord for allowing me to live such a special experience on this Young Life camp and I say yes to Christ Jesus for everything. Many thanks to Young Life.
“The speaker through his messages has greatly edified us because his messages reveal a lot of importance and I want to put them into practice by saying yes to the Lord. I lost my dad when I was 9 years old and was abused by my family and I had a lot of difficulties and lost my mom too. I say yes to Jesus by learning to overcome all his difficulties and to forgive. Many thanks to Young Life.”
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