
Young Life Nigeria

Nigeria Flag

Reaching the young people of Nigeria

Despite the significant tension between religious and ethnic groups, in only a short amount of time, God has grown Young Life in Nigeria exponentially! In 2023, an average of almost 3,500 kids at club each week within 33 ministries.

In 2023, 11,022 teens were known by name in Nigeria.

Nigeria Flag


  • Population: 223,804,632
  • Main languages: English, Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo
  • Kids Known by Name: 11,022

Nigeria summary

Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1960, but the country broke out into civil war in 1967. The civil war lasted until 1970, but eventually military rule was established which lasted on and off until 1999. The military head of state died in 1998, allowing there to be a transition to a civilian government as a new constitution was created. The nation has worked to become more democratic, but there is significant tension between various ethnic and religious groups causing several of the presidential elections to become violent as most of the major political parties are tied to the largest ethnic and religious groups in the country. In the population of over 211 million, just over 46% of the people in Nigeria are under age 18. The country is nearly split between Islam and Christianity, with Islam at 55% and Christianity near 45%.

Young Life began in Nigeria in 2015 when Joseph Madu felt the Lord calling him to move from Senegal back to his home country to lead Young Life. At the time, he was the only staff person in the country, but he managed to recruit over 100 leaders and together they have built up 26 ministries in Nigeria. Tragically, Joseph Madu fell sick and after a quick illness, passed away in October 2017, leaving behind his wife and kids. The Young Life Africa family mourns his loss but trusts that they will carry on his legacy of reaching kids for Jesus. In only a short amount of time, God has grown Young Life in Nigeria exponentially as there is an average of about 3,500 kids at Club and 1,800 at Campaigner groups each week.

Our impact

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Growth (2023)
Kids Known by Name 1,747
16,973 11,022 -35%
Avg. Kids at Clubs 1,666 2,006
2,591 3,522 37%
Avg. Kids in Campaigners 356 476
1,140 1,864 63%
Number of Ministries 12 17
26 33 26%
National Staff 0 0
0 0%
DGL 0 0 1 3
Kids & Leaders to Camp 310 423 432 1,181 618 -47%

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