Young Life South Sudan

The young people of South Sudan are being reached.

South Sudan is the world’s newest country, gaining independence from Sudan in 2011 after decades of civil wars. Because of the ongoing unrest, poverty is a problem in this country with 70% of the population under the age of 30. Young Life leaders here are laying the groundwork for new ministry and praying abundantly for God’s love to be evident to teenagers.

In 2023, leaders knew 1,359 teens by name in South Sudan.

South Sudan

  • Population: 11,077,000
  • Main languages: English, Arabic
  • Number of ministries: 20

South Sudan summary

South Sudan is the world’s newest country. The nation was born in a great spirit of unity, happiness, and hope. Thank God for this freedom from the long, painful domination by the north. Sudan is now mainly Arab and Muslim, while South Sudan is mainly Black and Christian. The civil war between south and north lasted for 21 years. Most of the 1.5 to 2 million killed were from the south. Half a million fled the country. Another 4 million fled their homes at some point. Every family in South Sudan suffers lasting effects from the horrors of war. The dispute over territory and oil continues with the north (Sudan), so the violence and bitterness continue.

Now, new ministry led through the work of local volunteer Young Life leaders are paving the way, bringing hope to a generation of teenagers in Juba and communities across South Sudan. They can celebrate ministry growth from one to three towns (Juba, Yei, and Wau), over 70 leaders, seven areas, 17 neighborhood clubs, three high school clubs, two college clubs, one Wyldlife club, and one sports club, which totals to nearly 500 teenagers attending clubs. The impact of Young Life can already be seen among the youth and communities in South Sudan.

Experience camp in South Sudan

Our impact

2019 2021 2022 2023 2024
Kids Known by Name 1,434 1,809
Avg. Kids at Clubs 1,135
Number of Ministries 21 27
National Staff
Kids & Leaders to Camp n/a 176
Volunteers 87 142

Our ministries

Young Life in South Sudan is growing rapidly with 20 ministries and 82 volunteer leaders.

Current ministry.

Current ministry.

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