
Stories of Young Life Africa!

A Season For Giving in DRC

As the year comes to an end and activity slows down to prepare us for the festive season, most Young

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Celebrating Christmas Across Africa

As I look through my living room window in Columbus, Ohio, I find a very familiar scene outside. The leaves

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The Oil That Gives Life | Young Life in the Holy Land

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light

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Restful Refining for our Front-Line Proclaimers

Behind every successful Young Life, the area is a team of leaders who long for their communities to overflow with

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Through My Lens: Rwandan Joy At Camp

On Wednesday 12 July, I packed my bags for my first camp assignments since I started this new role as

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Joyce’s Story: From Depression To Joy

Meet Joyce, a fourteen-year-old teenage girl who suffers from depression. Joyce was barely two years old when she lost her

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Ministry On The Ground: Why Maps Matter

One of the hallmarks of how leaders strategically reach teenagers in Africa is their use of maps, trees, and lists.

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A million steps to a broken spear; A Walk For Peace in Karamoja

“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the

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Peace After Pain: Remembering With Rwanda

Every year starting on April 7, Rwanda enters a 100-day period of remembrance to commemorate the 1994 genocide in which

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