
Helping Teens Find Their Purpose


Helping Teens Find Their Purpose

The young people of Liberia are being reached.

Young Life thinks of the world of kids. We believe that they deserve to know ​what life can hold for them. Young Life leaders are caring adults who come sharing that hope as well as fun and lasting friendships with kids. Young Life is also all about fun. From club and camp to campaigners and other activities, teenagers will have a blast laughing, trying new things and being with their friends.

We are grateful to the Almighty God for the wonderful things He has done and the greater things He will do. The Lord keeps adding to our numbers daily. We have known over 147,000 kids by name through 38 staff and 19 Developing Global Leaders [learn more]. We are now in new areas across Liberia.

In 2024, leaders knew 138,256 teens by their names in Liberia.


  • Population: 5,418,377
  • Main languages: English
  • Kids known by name: 104,595

Liberia summary

Liberia began as a settlement for freed African-American slaves and was established in 1847 (“liber” means “free” in Latin). With a population of over 5 million, there are dozens of ethnic groups and over 20 languages spoken. Over 85% of the population is Christian, and the remaining individuals are either Muslim (12.2%) or identify with a traditional ethnic religion. Just under 50% of the country's population is 18 years old or younger. Liberia is a low-income country that relies heavily on foreign assistance. In the 1990s and early 2000s, civil war and government mismanagement destroyed much of Liberia’s economy. In 2013, the Ebola virus attacked West Africa, and over 4,000 people in Liberia alone died. Deaths occurred as soon as two weeks after symptoms emerged, and the virus was transferred quickly within communities.

Despite the dire effects of the Ebola virus and the 2020 worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic, Young Life ministry has grown deeper and stronger in Liberia. Even though outreach and sports camps had to be postponed during the crisis, Young Life staff and leaders held Ebola Survivor camps in Liberia and Sierra Leone to reach lost kids for Jesus. These camps provided opportunities for those who have lost their friends and families to the Ebola virus to experience a loving community once again. Stigma, trauma, and rejection were all wiped away by the love of Jesus exemplified in their fearless Young Life leaders. In 2023, 2,544 volunteer leaders knew over 104,000 kids by name in 192 ministries. Over 16,000 kids attend club each week and hear the miraculous news of Jesus.

The Ebola Crisis

How Young Life “Joined The Fight” Against Ebola

Watch the video to see how Young Life in Liberia “Joined the fight!” against Ebola and also provided hope for those who survived. Most Ebola survivors lost most of their family members and were outcasts in the society. People feared that they were still contagious even though they were 100% cured. Young Life Liberia went after those outcasts in society and provided a camp specifically for survivors of the Ebola crisis. These kids laughed, met other survivors, and experienced love. Some of the kids who were at the camp are now Young Life Leaders in their own communities.

Our impact

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Growth (2022) unofficial numbers as of December 31, 2024
Kids Known by Name 151,020 50,812 147,085 104,595 -28% 138,256
Avg. Kids at Clubs 17,802 22,265 14,028 16,989 16,532 -2% 21,614
Avg. Kids in Campaigners 4,164 6,354 3,981 6,182 5,916 -4% 8,976
Number of Ministries 117 135 153 184 192 4% 237
National Staff 33 35 38 38 39 2%
DGL 24 21 21 19
Kids & Leaders to Camp 8,870 7,436 10,729 11,865 11,059 -6%

Our ministries

We have over 191 ministries across Liberia.

Current ministry

Current ministry.

Current ministry.

Current ministry.

Young Life Camp Liberia

Impact one. together we can impact many.

Young Life leaders all over Liberia pursue teenagers. They walk alongside them, learning their names and stories, sharing the hope that Jesus offers. One way they do this is to invite them to camp where they are greeted with joy, served with love and for three days are able to just be kids, having fun, laughing and playing games. It is here where they are introduced to the God who loves them and invites them into a relationship that will change their life for eternity. Kids in Liberia want to go to Young Life camp and we don’t want any of them to miss out because they can’t afford it.

You can make a difference in the lives of teenagers in Liberia.

GIVE today, JOIN the challenge and TOGETHER we can help change thousands of lives and impact eternity!

$50 sends a kid to camp, $600 fills a cabin, and $7,500 + MATCH sponsors an entire camp.
Click the button below to join hundreds in sponsoring a Young Life Camp in Africa.

Donate to Send a Kid To Camp

Developing Global Leaders

Most college and university age students in Liberia can’t afford an education and with the high levels of unemployment, a lot of them live in poverty. The Developing Global Leaders program pairs up sponsors with high level Young Life Leaders. When someone gives to a Developing Global Leader it provides educational funds, life-skills mentoring and Young Life ministry training.

Sponsor a student on your own or with a group. Either way you’ll be impacting the life of a student in a developing country through a university education and Young Life training – something that wouldn’t have been possible without your financial help.

Many of these individuals have a strong desire for higher education and also want to impact their communities for Christ; however, finding the resources to do so is difficult. Many would have to choose one or the other because of lack of money, time, etc.

Join the movement,
change lives, impact eternity


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