Leaders know over 137,000 kids by name!

Young Life Ethiopia

Leaders know over 137,000 kids by name!

Young Life Ethiopia

Reaching the young people of Ethiopia

Ethiopia is second only to the United States in the number of kids reached by Young Life, with nearly 193,000 kids known by name in 2024. Young Life has a rich history in Ethiopia dating back to 1999 when Chuck and Linda Reinhold, Young Life veterans from the United States, moved to the Kore neighborhood of Addis Ababa. Here, they connected with local churches, partnered with Ethiopian Christians who were passionate about youth, and Young Life was born. Currently, Young Life is active in schools and neighborhoods throughout Addis Ababa and in 213 different towns and villages around Ethiopia.

In 2024, leaders knew 192,976 teens by name in Ethiopia.


  • Population:132,733,579
  • Main languages: Amharic, Oromo, Somali
  • Number of ministries: 213

Ethiopia summary

Ethiopia is a land of antiquity; it is the oldest independent African country dating back to 5 B.C. with ties to King Solomon. Ethiopia’s population of approximately 126 million (46% of which are under 18 years old) is comprised of multiple religious groups including Muslim (34%), Ethiopian Orthodox Christian (43%) and Protestant (19%), with indigenous beliefs making up the remainder. The main language is Amharic, yet English is also widely spoken. The people are elegant, industrious and possess the deep warmth commonly found in African cultures. Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia and is the largest export crop; the Italian influence in Ethiopia perfected the coffee drink and it continues to be one of the pleasures of Ethiopian culture.

Ethiopia is second only to the United States in the number of kids reached by Young Life, with nearly 193,000 kids known by name in 2024. Young Life has a rich history in Ethiopia dating back to 1999 when Chuck and Linda Reinhold, Young Life veterans from the United States, moved to the Kore neighborhood of Addis Ababa. Here, they connected with local churches, partnered with Ethiopian Christians who were passionate about youth, and Young Life was born. In 2024 about 20,200 teens attended Young Life outreach clubs every week and more than 13,000 kids are involved in weekly discipleship groups.

Our impact

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Kids Known by Name 66,046 26,428 54,169 137,282


Avg. Kids at Clubs 21,497 5,710 12,151 18,641


Avg. Kids in Campaigners 13,581 4,670 8,016 11,399


Number of Ministries 125 140 127 196 213
National Staff 35 28 37 49 56
DGL 8 8 16
Kids to Camp 2,120 2,234 2,976 6,577 7,491

Our ministries

Ethiopia is second only to the United States in the number of kids reached by Young Life, with nearly 193,000 kids known by name in 2024.

In Ethiopia, leaders are responding to large-scale challenges within the region, which are taking our leaders into refugee and internally displaced persons (IDP) camps. As reported in global media, severe drought has led to full-blown famine across the horn of Africa, which along with political conflicts has fueled the refugee and IDP crisis. Young Life leaders are going to these camps, reaching out to teens with have little to do, getting to know them, hanging out and hearing their stories and the stories of their families.

Our prison ministry developed in Ethiopia in 2016. During this time, the government declared a state emergency due to political tensions, putting restrictions on large-scale public gatherings of young people. Many young people were arrested and imprisoned because they opposed the government. The prisons are often understaffed and under-resourced, which is where Young Life steps in. In July 2017, Young Life leaders in Ethiopia put on a day camp in an Addis Ababa prison that 150 kids attended. Leaders made delicious meals, put on four clubs, played field games and even had small group time for the students. Seventy-six kids accepted Christ, and 50 kids were released early due to “good behavior” since this new Young Life ministry began.

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