Staff and Country Sponsorships

Staff and Country Sponsorships

Sponsor a Staff or Country


Together, staff and sponsors enter into mission partnership to reach kids and develop leaders across Africa and the Middle East. Sponsorship provides sustainable resources to fuel this mission. A sponsor’s financial commitment directly supports staff and ministry costs in the field. If fully funded, nearly 100% of in-country operational expenses are supported by staff and country sponsors. By joining African and Middle Eastern staff in direct mission partnership, sponsors are able to build transformative, life-long relationships with those in the field.

Staff Sponsorship
$12,000 per year for three years

This includes salary of the sponsored staff member, taxes and benefits, travel, training, club costs, as well as that staff member’s supervision, mentoring and coaching.

Country Sponsorship

$35,000 per year for three years
This covers the remaining costs to sustain Young Life in an African country. A country sponsor covers office rent and communication, legal and accounting costs, programming for key Young Life clubs, and travel, training, and supervision of staff not covered by Staff Sponsorships.

Email Matt Ward about supporting staff or a country in East Africa at

Email Casey Prescott about supporting staff or a country in West Africa at

Email John Thompson about supporting staff or a country in East Africa at 

Scroll down for a list of specific country and staff sponsor opportunities.

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